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End of the school year!

The last days of school bring a range of emotions - nostalgia, excitement, and even a little sadness. As I reflect on what’s changed for Averyboo in the last school year, I’m proud of all the achievements we’ve made! 

Last June, we jumped right into the new studio space and started hosting Summer Camps! In the fall, our after school and Homeschool classes returned to normal and EXPANDED our schedule with multiple classes being held at the same time. And Saturday Studio Hours and Birthday Parties have been a fun addition to our weekends as well. 

It's been great making with all the kids this year and witnessing skills grow-grow-grow! 

Cheers to a great summer! If you’re signed up for Art Camp, we'll see ya then; otherwise, we’ll definitely see you next school year! The kids will be taller, and the team will be ready with a crop of new ideas to make the next year just as colorful!

💙Ms. Natalie

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