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Happy Anniversary + We're Moving!

Last week marked the 12 year Anniversary of Averyboo Arts and a year of navigating Covid19... Starting April 1st we will be moving to my home-based studio and letting go of our beloved space in Bixby Knolls.

This may sound like a sad turn of events, BUT we're actually excited!

We already have a waiting list for May at the new studio so things are off to a great start! And the best part... my home studio is only 5 minutes away 🙌

Although there is hope on the horizon with regards to covid, the fact is, we're still in the middle of a pandemic. Vaccines are looking good, but at the time of this post, only 10% of the entire state of CA has been fully vaccinated. We're still months away from truly knowing how things will pan out.

So here's the plan...

- There will be no interruption in providing online classes during the move.

- In-Person classes will take a break in April.

- Spring Break Camp will be held at the new home studio.

- Everyone on the waiting list will have priority to enroll in small in-person classes beginning in May.

- All teachers and staff members are still employed & say "hello!" - If you happen to see any social media posts about us "closing", please help us out and clarify that we are moving.

This is just temporary The strongest know when to pivot and adapt to survive 💪 Follow Us on Instagram to see photos of the new space as it unfolds, coming soon. To get on the waiting list for an in-person class, please contact: Cheers to 12 Years and more! ❤️️ Ms. Natalie

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